Eating and drinking along the Chicago Riverwalk. The Chicago Riverwalk is a beautiful stroll and a nice way to travel from A to B (weather permitting). Dining options are limited so you’ll have to spend more in order to enjoy the fantastic views. Given that we only have a few months of nice weather each year it’s worth the splurge. If you don’t want to splurge with Riverwalk vendors then you can also pick up to-go food or pack a picnic and sit along the river in many spots listed below. Check out these great pictures of the Riverwalk.

Be prepared to spend in order to enjoy the view. This is $15 with tax and tip.
Watch the annual bridge lifts on the Chicago River.
Downtown Chicago rooftops and patios
COTC notes 5/23/21: The Riverwalk hours are 6AM-11PM. Days and operating hours vary by establishment. All restaurants are open except as indicated. Many restaurants now offer reservations. I strongly recommend making reservations if possible. Check each website. All prices do not include 11.75% sale tax and tip and are accurate as of May, 2021. Several locations said NO CASH. Assume no cash accepted anywhere. All restaurants have their menus posted with QR codes you can scan for menus.
Lake Michigan at DuSable Harbor,
Cafe Michelle, 200 N Lakefront Trail, (312) 877-5977. Temporarily closed
This isn’t technically on the Riverwalk. It’s just beyond its eastern most point where the walk curves into the Lakefront Trail. If you walk further south along the Lakefront Trail toward Monroe Harbor you can picnic in the grass with a view of the lake and harbor.
Lake Shore Drive to Columbus Drive
Island Party Hut, 355 East Riverwalk South, (312) 600-0488. Menu on website

Island Party Hut drink menu

Island Party Hut Chicago Riverwalk
Columbus Drive to Michigan Avenue (aka DuSable Bridge)
The Northman Beer & Cider Garden 233 E. Riverwalk South, 312-616-1400. Reservations Cider $9-$12, Beer $7-$8, Beer bottles and cans $6-$10, Cider bottles and cans $7-$20, Wine $10-$40, Booze bottles and cans $10-$15, Spirits $6-$12, Non-alcoholic $2.50-$9.00.

The Northman Chicago Riverwalk
Michigan Avenue to Wabash Avenue
McCormick Bridgehouse and Chicago River Museum, 376 N Michigan Ave., 312-977-0227 Free on Sundays. Open
Beat Kitchen on the Riverwalk, 91-95 East Riverwalk South, (312) 346-3131 Open Menu on website.

Beat Kitchen Chicago Riverwalk
Community Market Place kiosks, 65 East Riverwalk South Small neighborhood businesses selling their wares.
Chiya Chai Café opening June 7
Colores Mexicano Status unknown
Peach’s on the River Status unknown
Neighborly Status unknown
Shop Small Chicago Status unknown

Community Marketplace kiosks Chicago Riverwalk
O’Briens Riverwalk Cafe, 45 Riverwalk South (312) 346-3131 Reservations required Wine $11-$14, Wine bottle $44-$52. Bottled beer $6-$9, Cocktails $13-$14, Non-alcoholic $4.50-$9.
Wabash Avenue to State Street
Chicago Brewhouse, 31 E. Riverwalk South, (312) 877-5766 Reservations Menu on website
State Street to Dearborn Street – The Marina
City Winery, 11 West Riverwalk South, 312-229-5593. Reservations Half of the dining area is reservations only; the other half is a walk up bar and you find your own seating.
Dearborn Street to Clark Street – Cove
Tiny Tapp and Cafe,. 55 W. Riverwalk South. (773) 967-0102 Open
Another set of modern restrooms are open just west of the Dearborn bridge.

Tiny Tapp Chicago Riverwalk
Clark Street to LaSalle Street – River Theatre
This area has no amenities but it’s a great place to picnic and watch the people and boats go by. You can also cross the Clark Street bridge and pick up takeaway from RPM Seafood or Pizza Portofino (see below) and bring it back to River Theatre.

River Theater Chicago Riverwalk
Chicago Water Taxi. There is a water taxi stop at River Theatre on the Chicago Riverwalk on the south side of the river between Clark and LaSalle. Temporarily closed
LaSalle to Wells – Water Plaza
Sweet Home Gelato, 151 W Riverwalk South, (312) 909-0223 Open
This area contains a “zero-depth fountain” which is a fountain you can stand and walk in. Public restrooms just east of Wells Street Bridge.
Wells to Franklin – Jetty
This area contains fishing piers and floating gardens.
Franklin/Orleans to Lake – The Boardwalk
Public restrooms just east of Franklin Bridge.
There’s no continuous path on this side of the river you’ll have to walk around and between buildings. There are also no maps.
Lake Shore Drive to Columbus Drive
Chicago Burger Company, Sheraton Grand, 301 East North Water Street, 312-329-7272. This restaurant is cafeteria style. Go inside order your cocktail and sit outside on the Riverwalk. May be closed
Lizzie McNeill’s, 400 N McClurg Ct, (312) 467-1992. Cheap, decent pub food. Nice outdoor seating along the river.
Columbus Drive to Michigan Avenue (aka DuSable Bridge)
Shoreline water taxi Michigan Avenue stop Temporarily closed.
Michigan Avenue to Wabash Avenue
Chicago Water taxi to River North, Ogilvie Station and Chinatown Temporarily closed.
Wabash Avenue to State Street
State Street to Dearborn Street

Smith & Wollensky/Wollensky Grill (on right)
Dearborn Street to Clark Street
320 RiverBar, Westin River North, 320 N. Dearborn, 312-321-7194
RPM Seafood and Pizzeria Portofino 317 N. Clark, 312-900-9035. You can make reservations to both. Book early they fill up. Join LEYE Frequent Diner Club Get $10 Pizzeria Portofino is on 1st level. Level 2 is an event space and Levels 3 and 4 are RPM Seafood.
Clark Street to LaSalle Street
The Kitchen, 316 N Clark St, (312) 836-1300.
River Roast 315 North LaSalle Street, 312-822-0100.
Chicago Water Taxi LaSalle/Clark stop is between these two restaurants. Temporarily closed
LaSalle Street to Wells Street
Chicago Cut Steakhouse, 300 N. LaSalle St., 312-329-1800.
Cafe 300, 300 N LaSalle St, (312) 670-0030. This is the cafeteria for the 300 N. LaSalle building. Open 7AM-3PM.
Wells Street to Orleans Street
On the south side of the Merchandise Mart is a small patio along the river where you can either bring your own food or pick something up inside the Mart. The patio is adjacent to the Merchandise Mart Hall of Fame which displays the busts of famous retailers such as Marshall Field and Aaron Montgomery Ward.
While you’re there enter the south entrance (Main Entrance) and check out the 17 restored murals at the top of the columns in the lobby. The murals represent global commerce and were done in 1930 when the Mart opened. More info here.
If you want to buy food at the Mart there’s a food court on the 2nd floor with an outlet of Blackwood BBQ and an Amazon Go store and more options. Maybe closed
Lake and Randolph West/North side of river
Porter Kitchen & Deck, 150 N Riverside, (312) 781-7580. Small patio overlooking river. Join 4C and get $5 free
Lake and Randolph East/South side of river
Beatnik on the River, 180 N. Wacker Dr,(312) 526-3345. Small patio overlooking the river. Pre-covid this place was a madhouse.
On Canal north of Lake Street
Gibson’s Italia, 233 N. Canal, (312) 414-1100. 2nd floor patio and 4th Floor rooftop on the river
East side of River between Lake and Randolph
Jose Andreas restaurant, 110 N. Wacker Drive TBA opening later 2021.