Hours of fun with Chicago Landmarks. While looking for information about these guys below I stumbled into this City of Chicago database.

Heald Square monument. Wabash at (Upper) Wacker Drive.
It’s a treasure trove of everything Landmarked in the Chicago. However I don’t know how up to date it is and also it neglects to mention statues and other things not owned by the City of Chicago – say statues owned by the Chicago Park District. Still it’s fascinating if you’re interested in art and architecture. Something to spend a rainy or snowy day reading.
Search feature
The search feature seems to work. When I typed in “buildings” it came up with a list of 155 “buildings”. Except then it had subcategories: Landmarks, Districts, Architects, Tours and Style.
It came up with several tours as an example here’s the Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Tour – Monuments, Memorial, and Buildings commemorating Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Drill down and you get this:
As is typical in this town this only lists the Lincoln Statue located in Lincoln Park. It doesn’t mention the Lincoln Statue in Grant Park (on Van Buren between Michigan and Columbus) probably because it’s owned by the Chicago Park District! Sigh. I guess I’ll have to go through these and improve them for you! Enjoy!