Donate to Newberry Library Book Fair. If you’ve been thinking about getting rid of some good quality books why not donate them to the Newberry Library. Used books are worth almost nothing these days and aren’t worth the time to sell online. All donations are sold at the annual Book Fair and proceeds go to a great Chicago institution. The Newberry library offers free lectures and exhibits most of the year that we attend and publish on this website.
Due to Covid they are not accepting donations to Book Fair.
Where: Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, (312) 943-9090.
Where to donate
Go to the north entrance located at the back of the Library off Oak Street (between Clark and Dearborn). You can pull into the permit parking lot and look for the glass doors to the left of the loading docks. We parked in front of the entrance for five minutes to unload in the middle of the day on a Tuesday. Once inside on the left is the box marked “Book Fair Donations”. See images below.
When: Donations are accepted during regular business hours except no donations are allowed: January 1 – 31, July 4 (Independence Day) – Labor Day and October 1 – 31.
What to donate
The Newberry Library accept donations of books, music, DVDs, and other collectible items for our annual Book Fair. Every item sold at the Book Fair begins as a donation, and proceeds from the sale support the Newberry’s collection, services, and programs.
What you cannot donate (i.e. Throw away or recycle your junk books and mags)
Weekly magazines like The New Yorker, Time and Newsweek, or very popular monthly magazines such as National Geographic, Vogue, etc., Condensed books, Textbooks, Materials with excessive highlighting or underlining, missing covers, or damage from mold or insects, and Household items or other non-book donations.
Small and large donations
Small donations (under 5 boxes or bags) may be dropped off in the Newberry’s north entrance located at the back of the Library off Oak Street in the box marked “Book Fair Donations”. Look for glass doors. See images below.
Large donations (more than 5 boxes or bags) may be dropped off there also, but call and schedule your drop off in advance at (312) 255-3510.
Full details this link or Book Fair Hotline at (312) 255-3510

This is the only entrance open while the first floor renovations are ongoing.

We brought our own box in case the donation box was full.
Free Shakespeare Newberry Library
Donate to Newberry Library Book Fair
Newberry Library Free Genealogy Research Seminar
Free exhibits at Newberry Library