If you haven’t already checked these out they have been extended through 2020. With the weather so glorious there’s still plenty of time to check out the “talking” statue throughout the City: Statue Stories
Just approach one of the participating statues, locate the sign and scan in the QR code or type the address into your browser. The statue will call you back and give you a short lecture on who they are, what they’ve accomplished, a description of the statue and/or more. The speakers are all Chicagoan’s or affiliated with Chicago institutions.
You can try it with Copernicus in front of the Adler Planetarium. Type speak2.co/Nic into your browser. It’s more fun if you’re actually at the statue.
Or give Benjamin Franklin, (Lincoln Park) a ring at
In conjunction with Statue Stories, the Newberry Library has put together three “From the Stacks” essays utilizing materials from their collection. “He Might Have Invented the Telegraf” (Benjamin Franklin)

Benito Juárez, Plaza of the Americas, Just north of the Wrigley Building. I couldn’t find Benito’s sign.
Other statues located downtown Download a map:
Find all the statues here.
- Bob Newhart, Navy Pier speak2.co/bob Speaker: Bob Newhart (He went to Loyola).
- MIRÓ’S CHICAGO, Brunswick Plaza, 77 W. Washington speak2.co/miro speaker: Shonda Rhimes
- ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Lincoln Park speak2.co/abe
- HAYM SALOMON, Heald Square East Upper Wacker Drive at Wabash speak2.co/haym
- John Peter Altgeld, Lincoln Park
- CLOUD GATE, Millennium Park speak2.co/cloud Speaker: David Schwimmer.
- THE TIN MAN, OZ Park speak2.co/tin
- JEAN-BAPTISTE POINT DU SABLE, Pioneer Court, N. Michigan Avenue speak2.co/jean
- NATHAN HALE, Tribune Tower
- Helping Hands Jane Addams Memorial, Chicago Women’s Park and Gardens speak2.co/hand
- MAN WITH FISH, Shedd Aquarium
- AARON MONTGOMERY WARD, Grant Park speak2.co/ward
- NORTH AND SOUTH LIONS, Grant Park, Art Institute Chicago
- THE PICASSO, Richard J. Daley Plaza speak2.co/pic
- William Shakepeare Monument, Lincoln Park

I’m in front of the Chicago Cultural Center (Washington St side). Call me at speak2.co/Moo
Chicago Char says
Thank you so much for this statue tour post and the related links to the speakers. I was unaware of this project. Yes, listening while looking at the statue photos online isn’t as grand as standing near the statues but it is still interesting and I can share with non-Chicagoans who may not be able to visit or tour before August 2017 (or is it now 2018?). I can seek out my favorites and repeat the calls.
Carol says
I’m glad you found the post helpful. It’s another example of all the great (and free) things we have around the city hiding in plain site. The last I read they are extended through August 2017 so I’ve clarified the post. They’ve been here since August 2015. Enjoy!