Save Money on Movie Tickets. If you love going to the movies then you know that tickets have never been more expensive. For those of us who don’t always want to go to the matinee here are the best ways to save on tickets at all the major movie theater chains. All prices and deals were accurate at time of publishing. Due to Covid some deals may not be available. Deals, offers, etc. keep changing without notice.
Discount movie gift cards and tickets from warehouse clubs
Costco sells online (and possibly in-store call your local store) packs of AMC, Cinemark and Regal tickets. They have also offered discounted theatre gift cards. Read all the terms and conditions. Sometimes the gift cards can only be used online where you’re forced to pay additional fees.
Sam’s Club sells AMC and Cinemark passes. They also sell AMC, Cinemark and Regal gift cards for a negligible discount. Get $20 off Sam’s Club membership here
Buy AMC Yellow Passes for $9.75 each. Once per year, around Christmas, Goldstar sells their gift certificates for 20% off. You can buy a gift certificate then use it to purchase Goldstar AMC Yellow Passes for $7.80 each.
Bulk ticket purchases AMC, Regal, Cinemark and Landmark
If you aren’t a member of a warehouse club or you and a group of friends go to a lot of movies you can buy passes directly from all the major movie theater chains online.
If you have a business or a friend who does you can buy in bulk directly from AMC National Sales. AMC allows business-to-business sales for AMC Black Tickets sold in multiples of 50 for $10.25 each. Valid nationwide. No expiration no restrictions. AMC Yellow Tickets sold in multiples of 50 for $8.50 each. (not valid, not for purchase in CA/NY/NJ) No expiration no restrictions. Ground shipping is $9.95. If 50 passes exceeds your requirements try to get some friends to go in with you. Restrictions apply. Review the AMC website thoroughly before purchasing.
Regal Entertainment Group and Cinemark sells tickets directly to consumers or businesses in multiples of 50 for $8.50 each plus $8-$20 for shipping.
Landmark Theatres sells tickets directly to consumers or businesses in multiples of 25 for $9.00 each plus $5 shipping. Or buy them directly from the Box Office.
Employer Discounts
Check with your employer or have your friends check with theirs. Some large companies offer discount movie passes as an employee benefit through the human resources department.
Credit card discounts
Some credit cards will periodically offer additional points or cash back when making purchases directly from movie theaters. You can time your bulk purchases with those discounts for additional savings. If you have a credit card that offers cash back at grocery stores or drugstores I’ve seen AMC gift cards at Mariano’s, CVS and Walgreens. I use my AMC gift card on $6 AMC Tuesdays.
Go to the movies on Tuesday Not available due to Covid.
Both AMC and Showplace Icon offer $6 (plus tax) tickets on Tuesday all day. Regal Cinema’s offers $6.99 tickets (plus tax) on Tuesdays. You have to join their loyalty programs to get the discount tickets. You can join at the free level. I also use a discounted AMC gift card from Sam’s Club to pay on Tuesdays. ($42.98 for a $45 gift card for 4% savings). Get $20 off Sam’s Club membership here
AMC Navy Pier Imax Not available due to Covid.
AMC Navy Pier IMAX: Join AMC Stubs program and get discounted tickets at $11 every Tuesday until 4pm.
Theater Loyalty Programs
Each theater group has a loyalty club that offer various benefits based on your spending level. Here are the big four:
AMC Stubs, Regal Crown Club , Cinemark Connections and Landmark Theatres.
Senior, Military and Student discounts
AARP members pay $8 for Regal tickets purchased online (conditions apply). Ask about military, student and senior discounts,
Discounted gift cards from resellers
In the past I would have suggested that you buy discounted gift cards from resellers. Given the amount of gift card fraud publicized in the media I no longer do this.
ArcLight and Showplace Icon
Arclight offers minimal discounts with a $15 membership fee. Showplace Icon also has a program that offers discounts.

$6 Tuesdays at AMC